Thursday, August 19, 2004

Tidbits - 8/19/04

The big news in Chicago is still Oprah as juror.

It doesn't speak well of broadcasters in Chicago that fawn over and seek Oprah each day of her jury duty. It is good that Ms Winfrey is doing her civic duty, but we still wonder how many times did she find an excuse not to serve before this time.

The stories on the various newscasts range from the juror menu, to courtroom drawings of Oprah taking notes, to attempted interviews with other jurors (illegal) to attempted comments from the attorneys (no comment.

There MUST be some other news in Chicago. Luckily the jury is in deliberation so the madness will be over soon.

I am also certain that this will be the subject of several Oprah programs this fall.

Here are some interesting items.

+There is no doubt that Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is a valuable asset to his party and the nation. He is very popular among western Republicans and independents nationwide.

Now that his "faux" flirtation with John Kerry is in the distant past, he has become a strong supporter of the President.

His support will do much good with voters and with the president's chances for re-election.

McCain Could Provide Trump Card for Bush in Southwest -- 08%2F19%2F2004

+Senator Kerry's reception at the VFW Convention in Cincinnati was not as "warm" as expected. As reported yesterday, many veterans sat with folded arms and others stood in the back of the hall with their backs toward the senator.

Advance team members said that the senator was visibly upset about the reception. This caused him, according to witnesses, to give a blander than normal speech. Another contributed factor to the Senator's poor performance was news that NATO has fully supported President Bush's withdrawal plan from Europe. Something that the senator from Massachusetts is against.

More -->The American Spectator

+The TV networks were quick to jump on President Bush's National Guard Services, but are burying any information from the Swift Boat Veterans. The score 75 stories on Bush, 9 stories on the Swift Boat Vets.

TV Gives No Respect to Swift Boat Vets for Truth -- Media Research Center - Media Reality Check

More later

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