Tuesday, August 31, 2004

July's "Electrifying" Democrats vs. Nasty Republicans of August

The major networks are showing their true liberal stripes in the analysis of the RNC.

ABC and CBS called Giuliani's speech negative and Kerry bashing. One network called Giuliani "divisive" and taking "pot shots" at Kerry.

ABC and NBC "hinted" that a second Bush term means another war.

All of the networks seemed to have forgotten about the Bush bashing by Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and Bubbah Clinton.

It appears that the anchors and correspondents are doing more Bush bashing than any speech by McCain or Giuliani against Kerry.

Why does John Kerry need a huge campaign staff when he has the networks news division talking for him.

More from the Media Research Center.
July's "Electrifying" Democrats vs. Nasty Republicans of August --8/31/2004-- Media Research Center

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