Thursday, December 31, 2009

The weakest public television station in the US

Here it is the public television station with the weakest schedule.

Before revealing the “winner” of this dubious distinction, the criteria and a few guidelines for the selection are necessary.

Each public television station is, in essence, and independent television station.  They are not affiliated with a network.  They are, in fact, members of an organization.  That organization is the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).  PBS provides the stations with a schedule, known as the National Program Schedule (NPS).  Stations pay PBS for the privilege of using that schedule and to be a “member.”   To be clear, PBS is not a network like ABC, NBC, Fox, etc.  If it were a network, stations would not have to search for as much funding as they do.  Under the network business model, the network would pay the affiliate for airing its programs.  Although there is in many offices at PBS a network mentality, PBS is not a network.

So, crafting and development of a schedule for a local station is the responsibility of the local station.  Most PBS member stations have a program manager or director or consultant that uses information about the local community to design a schedule.  A local programmer cannot be doing his/her job simply looking at the NPS provided by PBS and pronounce the schedule done. The NPS created at PBS does not reflect the needs of any local community except Washington DC.  It reflects a programming staff that has been at PBS too long and no longer understands the needs of local stations and their audience.

That is the primary criteria in selecting the weakest schedule, how much of the NPS does the station air as it is provided by PBS.  Plus, does the station blindly accept the NPS without understanding its impact.  This year’s “winner” does exactly that.

Another factor that affects the contest is ratings.  Although some in the PBS system would like to believe that ratings are not important, they are.  If no one is watching a program or series, no one will provide funding to keep it on the air.  Many PBS stations are just realizing this and adjusting schedules accordingly.  One state network in the South does not air the poorly viewed public affairs programs from PBS on Friday night.  They choose to move them to another time slot and air better and widely viewed programs on Friday.  That is what a PBS member is supposed to do. PBS’ national ratings have been declining for many years.  Even “blockbusters” from PBS fav producer, Ken Burns, has not changed that trend over the course of a year.

Local stations that follow the NPS are having the same fate.  Stations that believe in creating a local schedule are either increasing audience or maintaining their audience.  This year’s winner was following that trend in increasing audience until it decided that it did not need a programming department and blindly following the NPS would be adequate.  The station has lost more than 30% of its audience following that strategy.

So, who is the big “winner?”

The award goes to WQLN in Erie PA.  WQLN wins because it blindly follows the NPS and its audience has been declining steadily for more than a year.  Management at WQLN believes that pledging will help increase it audience.  Even, David Fanning the Executive Producer of Frontline is now disgusted with the amount of pledging and the type of programs.  Mr. Fanning has not seen the amount of time taken away from viewers for pledge and auction at WQLN.  The station pledge more than any station in the country and its decline in members and viewers shows it.

So lacking is any thought given to the schedule and the station so blindly follows the NPS that it hurts the communities it serves by simply being on the air.

During the latest Ken Burns “spectacular”, WQLN aired the first episode of National Parks six times in a twelve hour period.  Why?  Because that is what the NPS had.  WQLN also disrupted loyal viewers by airing the Ken Burns “spectacular” on Saturday afternoon.  Again, disrupting loyal viewers from seeing a “normal” schedule.  This is just a single example of the incompetence of WQLN's board and management.

WQLN wins this award because it has failed.  It has failed its viewers.  It has failed it supporters.  It has failed the communities it serves.  WQLN should cease to exist.  Somewhere in Northwest PA there must be a group that can buy the station and make it serve the community.  The current owner, board and management do not have a clue.  If no one wants to buy it, then turn it off.  If people in Erie PA want public television, there are other ways to see it without WQLN.

Happy New Year!

What the Lamestream media missed in 2009

From Fox News, here's just a few of the stories the lame stream media missed in 2009.

Nice slide show.

Fox News

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Words Have Meaning

During the campaign President Obama said, “Even if we've got a majority of Democrats, I think it’s very important to listen to Republicans, to respect them.”  He also claimed that now VP Joe Biden would be able to help reach across the aisle.

Funny how none of that has worked.  Obama may have invited Republicans to the White House, but those meetings resulted  in little movement by Republicans to Obama's vision of a country dependent on the Federal government.  The "fundamental change" that Obama promised is just as empty as the list of the Administration's accomplishments.

More in this article from The Hill.

Juicy tidbit

Here's a juicy tidbit.

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE0 is going to create a tv commercial defending his healthcare deal. 

Sorry senator, you can't.  You sold out to Harry Reid and the left wing of the Democrat Party.  There is no forgiveness at this point.

Full article

Is the Obama Administration becoming the gang that can't shoot straight?

The Obama Administration may be so mired in its own arrogance that it doesn't understand how to cope with opposition to its policies and, possible, incompetent staff.

Neither the Administration nor Congress has listened to the American people in the healthcare debate.  Debate is a polite word.  Opponents of the healthcare debacle have been called un-American, potential killers, and just about every standard line from the "left wing" playbook.  Looking closely at the bill, you may relaize that the comment "You lie" during the President's speech was pretty close to being on target. 

Now, there is a potential terror attack on an inbound flight to Detroit,  the Administration has said "everything worked" to "nothing works."  Well, which is it?  Obviously, somewhere along the line someone didn't talk to someone.  Or, the Administratyion is so concerned about giving Constitutional rights to terrorists that it doesn't want to believe they really want to kill us.  Well, Secretary Napolitano, thewy do and as the head of Homeland Security you should know that the system doesn't work and you are part of the reason it does not.  The secretary is in over her head and needs to either leave or find someone competent to run the agency and you can sit back and collect the checks.

This morning, we learn the Prsident Obama decideed to continue with the closing of Gitmo without any reconsiderationm.  So, if closed, 80 Yemenis will return to the land of Jhad and plot more attacks on the US.  The latest failed attemopt, thanks to passengers on the plane not Homeland Security on the ground, has said there are 100s more ready to do the same thing.  So, when a 747 full of US citizens blows up, maybe the Presidnet will pay attention to the terrorist problem.  This attack was not isolated.  The attacker was known to the CIA.  His own father reported him to the US Embassy.  Yet, his visa remained in force.  By the way, Mr. President he is a terrorist not a suspect.

Congress should also stay as far away from this as possible.  There is no need for multiple Congressional hearings.  These proposed heartings will only further acerbate the situtation.  If the US Court system is planning to prosecute the terrorist, let the trial go forward without any political intervention from Congress.

One more thing, Mr. President, what were you doing for three days before making any comment on the incident?  Surf good in Hawaii?

Interesting related articles
New York Times via CNS
Fox News

Saturday, December 26, 2009


It's not just republicans and conservatives that are watching Prsident Obama's massive spending plans with caution.

Members of his own party are calling for the President to reduce spending by vetoing bills full of "pork-barrell" earmarks.

Se. Russ Feingold (D-WI) says the President promoised to lower spenind by eliminating earmarks for local projects.  So far, according to Feingold the President has failed to do so.

Feingold voted against the nearly $500 billion Omnibus Bill and the $600+ billion Pentagon Bill.  Both of these were full of billions in earmarks for unrelated or unneccsary projects.

The full article from The Hill.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

They did it!

While most of the nation was sleeping, The US Senate passed the massive, widely unread, health tax and reform bill.

Now for the next several weeks, there will be gnashing of teeth, pronises to vote against it, and more behind closed door meetings and deals.

In other words, no matter what Obama promised, it is business as usual in Washington.

Have a Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Both sides spin healthcare. Who's right . . . who's wrong.

With the Senate close to passing its version of healthcare.  Both sides are waging a spin battle of epic proportions.

While Republican senators and some state attorneys general are looking into the legality of the bill and the Nelson deal, Democrats are certain that it will pass constitutional muster and gain public support. 

Which side is right?  You decide.

This morning there are four articles that illustrate the behind the scenes bickering and may be adding to the confusion surrounding the debate.

Last week the Congressional Budget Office scored the Reid Bill and said that it would reduce the deficit by $132 billion.  Today, Sen Jeff Sessions (R-Ark) has received another letter from the CBO syaing, in essence, "Not so fast."

The newest letter says that the bill may be counting the "savings" from Medicare twice.  If the accounting for the savings is done correctly, it will raise the deficit.

For many senators a bill that is deficit neutral is a requirement.

Full article

While this may not be new, it is a major part of the debate on healthcare.  In a February address, President Obama pledge that no family making under $250,000 would see any tax increase from his administration.

A conservative tax reform group has found seven clauses in the Senate Bill that would raise taxes on indiciduals abd small businesses making under $250,000.

Full article

The House version of the bill contains an amendment sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) that would prohibit any Federal dollars from funding abortions.  There are some minor exceptions, but the language is clear.

The Senate bill has different language and many loopholes that will allow broader use of taxpayer funds for abortion.  Rep. Stupak says that language is "unacceptable."

Now it appears the House leadership and the WHite House are presurring Rep. Stupak to "back off" from pushing his amendment and to read the Senate language.

Rep. Stupak says he does not need the help of the White Hosue and is very capable of reading the Sentae language.

Full article

Finally, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) "assumes" that the Commerce Clause of the Constituition gives the Congress full authority to mandate healthcare insurance for all citizens.  Since the Senator is from California, that statement also assuems all the illegal aliens in Clifornia.

Senator, you are just wrong.

Full article

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can the Federal GOvernment require indviduals to buy health care?

One of the arguments, often neglected by the lamestream media, over the various health care bills is "Can the Feds require individuals to buy health care?"

When asked this constitutional question, Speaker Pelosi simply answered, "Ar you serious."  Yes, madam speaker we are serious.  Can the bill do this.

Well, it can try, but the clauses in the constitution that have been mentioned by various members of COngress do not apply and will not survive judicial review.

Democrats including the President often equate the heal care mandate to the auto insurance mandate.  That argument doesn't hold.  Individual citizens do not have to drive.  They can use public transportation.  They can ride a bicycle.  They can operate a motor vehicle on their own property (states only require insurance if you operate a motor vehicle on public roads).  There is no insurance requirement for a individual in any of those circumstances to buy auto insurance.

The various versions of the health care bill require the purchase of health care as part of being a citizen.  There is not other reason.

Here is an article from CNS News about this issue.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Does this surprise anyone, part 2

Fox News is reporting that the health bill contains "many concessions" to senators.


Full article

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is WHYY is trouble, again?

During the lengthy budget process in the Pennsylvania legislature, public television stations were targeted for budget elimination.  One of the primary reasons focused on the salary of WHYY's General Manager.  Members of the legislarture found it to be excessive even for a normal economy.

The legislature eventual put in $1 million for all eight stations in PA.  This "gift" was not close to the normal $12 million for the stations and a statewide interconnect.  While most of the stations had huge holes in their budgets, WHYY said that it could easily recover from the loss of state funding.  Really . . . how?

Now, WHYY is facing another problem.  This one comes from the US Senate.  U.S. Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-Del.) says that the FCC should look closely at WHYY's license.  The station is, as FCC records show, not licensed to the City of Brotherly Love.  It is, in fact, lincensed to Wilmington DE.  

During the budget "circus" in Harrisburg, WHYY closed its faci8lities in Wilmington and cut Delaware-based and focused programming to just 1 30 minute program each week.  WHYY said that closing the facility across the river would increase Delaware programming on radio and online.  Really?  How do you do that with 16 fewer positions and no facility?

So, Senator Kaufman wants the FCC to again criticze and, perhaps, remove WHYY's license unless it serves its city and state of license.

Full article

The weakest public television schedule in the country - update

As many of you know, my profession is television programming.  For most of that career I have programmed public television stations.

Now as a consultant, I have reviewed the schedules of most "primary" PBS stations and, will in the next few days, announce the station with the weakest schedule that should not be supported by its viewers.

Stay tuned.


Here's a hint the station is in the Eastern half of the US 

Does this surprise anyone?

The "lamestream" media has missed yet another story on ACORN.

Marcel Reid, the head of the DC office of ACORN said at a National Press Club forum that ACORN is controlled by 30 or 40 individuals and " there is nothing to ACORN itself but paper."

Really, anyone surprised?

Full article

Saturday, December 19, 2009

We're back

Greetings all -

With the craziness in Washington and around the nation caused by the over-spending by COngress and the "new" administration, "Check This Out" is back.

I will begin reporting from this venue starting this weekend with analysis and information about public media and the mess in DC.

Stay tuned.