Friday, October 01, 2004

Tidbits - 10/1/04

Here are some interesting articles about last night's Presidential Debate.

Bush Campaign Sees Kerry Leading Down A 'Bumpy Road -- 10/01/2004
Kerry Campaign Proclaims Kerry's Debate Victory -- 10/01/2004
Kerry's Policies and Views on North Korea Questioned -- 10/01/2004

Here are some other interesting items.

+It seems like the Kerry campaign will not let the Swift Boat controversy die.

After last night's debate, Del Sandusky, a cremate of Kerry's and one of many spokespersons for the campaign, said that the Swift Boat Veterans are part of a "Republican smear" and should just "shut up." While very plain, Sandusky demonstrated a continued fear if the truth about some of Kerry's service and medals.

Swift Boat Vets Should 'Shut Up,' Says Kerry Spokesman -- 10/01/2004

+The media, on the other hand, is seeking out anyone who will spin the debate to Kerry.
TV Analysts: Kerry Won; Media to Shape Coverage in Kerry's Favor --10/1/2004-- Media Research Center

More later.

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