Friday, October 15, 2004

How Dare You, Madam!

Senator Kerry and his campaign decided it would be a good idea to mention the name of Vice President Dick Cheny's daughter in response to a question about homosexuals. How did the Kerry campaign know about that question?

Nevetheless, it was a planned and calculated political move. While the Kerry campaign insists that the daughter of the Vice President is "fair game," it demonstrates a lack of conviction and character. Senator Kerry you should not always listen to your political hacks.

After the debate, there was reaction from the Cheneys' that left no doubt that they believed Senator Kerry's comments were inappropriate.

VP DICK CHENEY: "You saw a man who will say and do anything in order to get elected. And I am not speaking just as a father here, though I am a pretty angry father."

LYNNE CHENEY "The only thing I can conclude is he is not a good man. I'm speaking as a mom. What a cheap and tawdry political trick."

That might have been the end of it had not Elizabeth Edwards, wife of VP Candidate John Edwards, decided to enter the controversy.

ELIZABETH EDWARDS ON ABC RADIO: "She's [Lynne Cheney]overreacted to this and treated it as if it's shameful to have this discussion. I think that's a very sad state of affairs. I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences. It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response."

The Cheneys' response to Senator Kerry's inappropriate and politically motivated remarks are appropriate. The response from Elizabeth Edwards is not. In fact, How dare you!.

How dare you join your husband and his running mate in making statements simply motivated by politics. Yes the Democrats will say anything.

How dare you say that the Cheneys' have any shame toward their daughter. Do you even know the Cheneys? They are proud of their daughter and her accomplishments. Would you, Mrs. Edwards, if one of your own children chose an alternative lifestyle, be ashamed of them? I believe that you and your husband would be ashamed.

How dare you, your husband, and his running mate bring into an issue someone who is only minimally involved in the campaign. Will your husband or his running mate's next speech be about the Bush daughters? It would not surprise me. Democrats will say anything for political gain.

There were other ways to answer the question about the gay and lesbian lifestyle. Yet, you, your husband, and his running mate chose the wrong answer.


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