Friday, October 01, 2004

Debate Warpup

The first debate is over. Who won? More on that later.

The candidates demonstrated their differences. It is obvious that Kerry would not have gone to Iraq. It was obvious that Kerry would talk than act. If you listened carefully to what Kerry said he is a man of talk not action. If Kerry were President, Saddam Hussein would still be in power. There is not doubt about that.

The President did well showcasing how America is safer due to the War in Terror. He did not seize on Kerry's "change of position" as much as he should have.

Both candidates had a strong understand of the issue, but the difference of opinion was the most striking aspect of the debate.

Who won? Well, if Joe Lockhart's comment to CSPAN cameras is true, it was a draw.

I tend to agree that it was a draw. The President did not deliver the knockout punch so many expected, but Kerry delivered no punches. In fact Kerry's answers seemed well rehearsed and much of it was taken from his campaign stop speeches.

So, it was a draw.

One down, two to go.

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