Friday, October 22, 2004

CBS Does it Again

CBS News has committed fraud again. The forged documents used to bas Bush in a 60 Minutes report were not enough for this liberal bastion of the media. Now, the black-eye network has attempted to portray an anti-Bush, publicity seeking, Kerry campaign working and 9/11 widow as an average voter swayed by the Kerry campaign.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Byron Pitts reported that Kristen Breitweiser was your typical Bush voter who had changed her mind. Although not specifically, Pits portrayed her as an Ohio resident and now Kerry supporter. Again a lie. Breitweiser is a New York resident and was working at a campaign event in Ohio. She also can be seen in a current Kerry ad.

It is not as if producer for CBS News, Byron Pits, and producer for the Early Show did not know about Breitweiser. She appeared on the Early Show on Sept. 28 at an Edwards campaign rally in which she spoke.

CBS, like the Kerry-Edwards campaign, has, again, demonstrated that it will lie, use false information and forged documents, and anything else to get elected.

As I did during Rathergate, I call upon Viacom Chairman and CEO, Sumner Redstone, to shut down CBS News as it currently exists and start over.

CBS's Pitts Paints Breitweiser as Random Voter Swayed by Kerry --10/22/2004-- Media Research Center

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