Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Tidbits - 9/28/04

Jay Leno told an interesting joke during his monologue Monday night.

He was talking about the Forbes list of billionaires.

"The richest women in the US is Alice Watson with 18 Billion dollars. Or as Senator Kerry calls her, the one that got away."

Good one, Jay.

No for some more interesting items.

+An ad campaign starting today calls for the removal of Dan Rather as CBS' evening news anchor.

The ads to be seen in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are sponsored by Republican businessman Doug Forrester. Forrester is thought to be one of several candidates for governor of New Jersey.

The ads say that it was not "sloppy journalism. It was political bias." This is a charge that Rather has heard for years and his record supports it.

Newsday.com - Ads say Rather Must Go

+Several polls were released yesterday and some new ones today shoe President Bush with a 6-8 point lead among registered and likely voters.

This is good news going into the debates. Bush is a good debater and will probably win. Kerry needs to clarify and simplify his language to engage voters.

More later.

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