Friday, September 17, 2004

Tidbits - 9/17/04

Here are some interesting items.

+It appears that John Kerry may not have been forthright in saying that "all" his Navy records were on the campaign website.

The Navy says that statement is inaccurate. According to an e-mail from Navy officials about 30 documents were note release because Senator Kerry did not file the proper form for their release.

The email from the Navy was in response to a Freedom of Information request by the group Judicial Watch.

Full article -->Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records -- 09/16/2004

+"Stick to the facts," was the essence of a response from the White House concerning the documents used by CBS anchor Dan Rather.

White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, slammed the CBS reporter for relying on "feelings" of a Bush critic and the campaign did not need his advice.

White House rips Rather for report, his advice - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 17, 2004

+Kerry-Edwards supporters are so desperate that they tore up a Bush-Cheney poster being held by a three year-old at a Kerry-Edwards rally in Huntington, WV.

I guess free speech only applies to the Kerry-Edwards team and 527s.

Picture and story here

More later

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