Monday, September 13, 2004

Tidbits - 9/13/04

+It's not just the Swift Boat Veterans anymore.

On Sunday a large gathering of Vietnam Veterans met in Washington to rally against Kerry.

Many of the participants pointed to Kerry's statements after his return from Vietnam. Many saying that his remarks endangered the lives of POWs. - AP Washington
Vietnam veterans protest Kerry - The Washington Times: Metropolitan - September 13, 2004

+insipid of mounting evidence, Dan Rather and CBS will not admit that their report on 60 Minutes last Wednesday was, in part, fraudulent and some of the most biased reporting in the history of television news.

Now, other sources are saying that the network mislead them and now believe that the documents are fake.

On Friday's CBS Evening News, the no longer credible, Dan Rather, wasted 6 minutes of air time saying that the documents are credible, the reporting on the story will continue, and CBS believes the story.

Dan Rather who has become a caricature of himself needs to follow in Tom Brokaw's footsteps and retire as soon as possible. When the extent of the fraud at CBS News is finally uncovered, CBS should close the New Division or fire everybody and start over.

What used to be one of the finest news organizations is now mired in partisan and liberal politics.

WorldNetDaily: Bush Guard papers forged, says source

+Gary Condit, the former Congressman from California, is back in the news.

Recently Condit filed an $11 million lawsuit against author Dominick Dunne over an article in Vanity Fair magazine.

The suit claims that Dunne damaged Condit's reputation. Lawyers for Dunne say that Condit was a public figure and had already destroyed his reputation.

Condit, a do little Congressman from California, was linked to the disappearance and death of intern Chandra Levy. Although never considered a suspect in her death, Condit did admit to having an affair with the young woman.

Levy's body was found in a park in the northern part of Washington, DC a year after she went missing. The case has not been solved.

Unfortunately, the DC Police blew this case by not interviewing Condit more closely, as well as, his wife. Condit never gave DC Police all the information about his affair with Levy and stonewalled all reporters and investigations. If he did not have anything to do with her death or disappearance, why so reticent to tell the truth?
New York Post Online Edition: news
More later.

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