Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Another CBS Problem?

Did CBS do it again? It appears that CBS News used rumor, uncredited sources, and Michael Moore techniques in it story about the possibility of a revived draft.

The possibility of a revived draft has been the stuff of rumors on the Internet for months, probably, years. CBS nor the democrats have ever picked it up as a campaign issue. That is, until this week.

Although Dan Rather called the internet "filled with rumors," CBS reporter Richard Schlesinger decided that it was a viable story.

Even Rather's best friend, John Kerry, said when asked, "Is it possible? I don't know."

Just like Rathergate, this story has used rumor and other techniques to scare voters.

There is, however, one hint of truth about the issue. There are one or two bills floating around Congress that would reinstate the draft. It is unlikely that Congress would have the "guts" to pass them and it is unlikely that President Bush would sign them. Would a President Kerry sign them, probably.

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