Thursday, September 30, 2004

Jesse Jackson joins Kerry campaign=The

Here is something that the Kerry campaign does not need. The Rev, Jesse Jackson has joined the campaign as a senior adviser to John Kerry.

At one time, Jackson would have given a candidate, any candidate, a boost among black and minority voters. Now, Jackson is a shell of himself and mired in controversies of his own making. For example, after counseling Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, it was discovered that Jackson had a child out of wedlock and had been paying the mother for many years out of Rainbow/PUSH Coalition funds.

Another example, Rainbow/Push received a Federal grant for $800,000 for a reading program in Chicago. Less than $50,000 was spent of any programs. Where's the rest? The Rev. Jess Jackson refuses to say or allow Federal auditors to look at the books. I also thought that when you receive a Federal grant it was required to participate in an audit of the project. I guess Jesse Jackson is exempt from Federal law.

These are only a couple of examples of Jesse Jackson's fleecing of his supporters. His leadership in the community has diminished and his alignment with the Kerry campaign will hurt Kerry, but will probably help Jackson.
Jesse Jackson joins Kerry campaign=The

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