Monday, September 20, 2004

Initial Reaction

My initial reaction to CBS anchor, Dan Rather's, apology as broadcast this evening is, "So What."

While saying, "I'm sorry," the discredited anchor/reporter has done little to support his case of a "mistake."

During the story Rather, again, relied on Bill Burkett for direction and the "truth." Burkett still denies he altered the documents and will not disclose how he received them. By continuing to use Burkett, the story and the loss of credibility for CBS News will more than likely continue.

Burkett did provide some additional information. He aid that he was "pressured" by CBS staff to produce the document. He did not say that he was asked about their authenticity. I am certain that the "pressure" came from Mary Mapes, and, to a certain extent, Dan Rather.

Nevertheless, CBS rushed to use the documents, but the "true" source of the documents remains a question.

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