Friday, September 10, 2004

Items From the Kerry Spot on National Review Online


The "P.O. Box 34567" in one of the memos always seemed kind of weird. Not disproven, just kind of weird.

Now James Rosen of Fox News is reporting that the Pentagon questions the use of a P.O. Box on a memo, and that the P.O. Box may never have been used by that unit. He reports that it seems highly unlikely that they would have P.O. Box containing sequential numbers, and that standard military practice has always been to place the actual physical address on the letterhead.


This has been discussed in the Corner a bit, but just to review, here's some more from the ABC/Washington Post poll.

registered voters by a 27-point margin now say Bush has taken a clearer stand than Kerry on the issues, by 27 points call Bush the stronger leader and by 19 points say he would make the country safer. Bush also has a 22-point advantage in trust to handle terrorism, a 16-point lead on Iraq and perhaps a slight edge even on the lukewarm economy...
Sixty-three percent of Bush's supporters now say they're "very enthusiastic" about him, a new high for Bush in this important measure of motivation. Kerry's support, after dropping in advance of the Republican convention, is flat, at 39 percent very enthusiastic. And while 84 percent of Bush's supporters are affirmatively "for" him, that's true of just 41 percent of Kerry's; more of Kerry's supporters, 55 percent, are chiefly "against" Bush...

Probably worst for Kerry, his "favorable" rating has gone negative, meaning that more registered voters now express an unfavorable than a favorable opinion of him, 42 to 36 percent.

Bush's favorability rating has held essentially steady, and his job approval rating is now 52 percent among all Americans and registered voters alike — the first time it's edged above 50 percent among the general population in ABC/Post polls since April. The number who are dissatisfied with the nation's direction, similarly, has inched below 50 percent.

Now the interesting question is, does this bump, which apparently wasn't as temporary as people expected, last until the first debate Sept. 30?


Word is filtering through the web and political circles that the ABC/Washington Post poll shows Bush 52 percent, Kerry 43 percent, Nader 2 percent.

Ryan Lizza of the New Republic reports the poll "has lots of bad news for John Kerry, especially on issues of leadership and national security."

Personally, I am surprised that these two most liberal media outlets will report these numners as they exist.

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