Thursday, September 23, 2004

Tidbits - 9/23/04

There is some good news from Congress.

A congressional conference committee has passed legislation that will extend the middle class tax cuts for an additional 5 years without any loopholes tying the cuts to spending cuts. The tax cuts were expected to expire at the end of this year.

Extended tax breaks include the child tax credit, easing of the marriage penalty, and the expanded 10% tax bracket.

The bill is expected to be taken up in the House today (Thursday) and by the Senate Friday or early next week.

The extension of the tax cuts is a victory for the White House and will bolster the President's re-election with voters.

Even in this very partisan election year, House and Senate Democrats are likely to vote for the measure. Even Tom Daschle (D-SD) is said to be in favor of the extension. Since Daschle is in a very tight race for re-election, he is likely to vote for anything that makes him look more Republican.

Finally, has anyone noticed how many weeks of "vacation" the House and Senate receive? They claim that most of it is for district work. Have you ever tried to contact your congressmen or senator during these periods? You will discover that most of the time during a district work period is spent on junkets paid for by taxpayers or some special interest. : Middle-Class Tax Cuts Extension Approved

+The Kerry campaign has cancelled ad buys in four states.

Usually when a campaign cancels advertising it is because they see little, if any, hope to win that state.

The four states include Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri.

The only state that is a surprise is Missouri. Until recently, this was one of the battleground states that Kerry hoped to take away from Bush. I guess recent polls have changed the campaign's mind. - You Decide 2004 - Kerry Kills Ad Buy in Four States

+The DNC will not give up on this obviously false story.

The DNC and chairman, Terry MacAuliffe, still insist that Karl Rove is the source of the documents used by Dan Rather on his 60 Minutes story. If this were even partially true, it would make CBS look more partisan than it is. That is not possible.

The DNC continues with this mantra event though CBS unearthed the source as Bill Burkett. Burkett says someone else gave him the documents.

The DNC continues with this story even though a CBS producer, Mary Mapes, put Burkett in contact with Joe Lockhart at the Kerry campaign. A violation of CBS policy and journalistic ethics.

While I know that the DNC is becoming more and more desperate with each new poll, they are making themselves look more foolish each day.

Rove scoffs at charge he was CBS source - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 23, 2004

More later.

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