Monday, November 08, 2004

Viacom: FCC Super Bowl Fine Unconstitutional

While still claiming innocence, Viacom and CBS claim that the $550,000 fine from the FCC is unconstitutional. Saying, in part, that the fine and the broad indecency standard imposed by the FCC will have "chilling effect on broadcasting as we know it."

Viacom should just pay up and go away. There is no doubt that Viacom, MTV, and CBS were aware of what Jackson might do during the overly rehearsed half-time show. If Ms Jackson did not plan it, why was she wearing a pasty on her breast? Is that her normal attire? I say no.

Jackson planned it. MTV was aware if it and CBS knew something would happen that was "unusual."

The only "chilling effect" is that Viacom refuses to admit its mistake.

Viacom: FCC Super Bowl Fine Unconstitutional

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