Monday, November 15, 2004

Tidbits - 11/15/04

Is Keith Oberman Dan Rather's illegitamate son? Probably not, but both men use similar "journalistic" methods. Rather chooses to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. Oberman uses unfounded internet conspiracies to legitamize his view of the presidential; election. Since Oberman is a former sports "personality" you can cut him a little slack. Sports anchors generally do not use solid facts or information for a story. It is all hyperbole and innuendo.

Since Oberman has crossed over into "real" journalism, he should learn and his staff should learn the basic tools of the industry include the telephone.

All of the "facts" Oberman spewed about election fraud, uncounted and over-counted votes, and other nutty conspiracies were refuted by the people involved. Oberman and his staff did not call or email any of these people to find out the facts.

Since MSNBC has such a small audience compared to Fox and CNN, there is only minimal harm, but harm there is to the viewers of MSNBC, the candidates, the voters, and any legitimate news organization.

Should Keith Oberman be fired for his actions? Yes. Will he? No.
Keith Olbermann's Dan Rather moment -
There is a new feature on CHECK THIS OUT!. Each week we will be following the activity at the Supreme Court. This will include decisions, cases heard, and cases accepted. This feature started last Friday and can be found each Friday.
Here are some interesting items.

+There is some good news from Washington today. Secretary of State Colin Powell has announced his resignation.

Since becoming Secretary of State, Powell has earned a reputation for opposing Administration policy and concerns.

This will NOT be a big loss for the President or the nation. He will continue to serve until a replacement has been confirmed by the Senate.

Powell Out

More later.

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