Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Specter Speaks

The controversy over Senator Arlen Specter's (PA-R) becoming the Chairmen of the Senate Judiciary Committee may be more media hype than reality.

After winning hard fought campaigns in the primary and general elections, Specter is set to take control of the powerful committee in the new Congress. Specter will replace Orin Hatch (UT-R) due to term limit rules for commitee chairs in the Senate.

Specter is known for his Pro-Choice stance, but his record speaks for itself. Specter has supported Pro-Life judicial nominees in the past and, according to the Senator, will do so again.

According to some sources, much of the controversy was created by media types looking for a good headline. Arlen Specter is always a good headline.

In an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, Specter writes about his experience and commitment to qualified judges.

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

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