Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Daily Briefing - 11/30/04

Two more resignations of note to report.

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge is planning to step down. This would be the perfect chance for the Bush Administration to add Rudy Giuliani to the team. Giuliani has said that he is currently not interested in a Washington job, but would consider any request from the President.
CNSNews.com -- News This Hour

The President of the NAACP Kweisi Mfume will be stepping down from his post with the civil rights organization. Before his tenure at the NAACP, Mfume was a Congressman. Will he re-enter politics?

Here are some other interesting items.

+The Rev. Jesse Jackson is at it again. Jackson appeared in Ohio to demonize the current Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, an African American, for following state law in Ohio for recounts.

Jackson says that Blackwell is hiding the vote as part of a Republican conspiracy to steal another election. According to Jackson, “We can live with losing an election! We cannot live with fraud and stealing!!!"

What he is really saying is that he and other leftists cannot live with an election that they lose.

Jackson is also demanding that Blackwell step aside and let Jackson take over the recount. Jesse would you just take your lack of credibility and common sense and go away.

Recount efforts by the libertarian party and others are expanding to New Mexico.
Leftist Jesse Jackson Claims GOP "Fraud And Theft"

More later.

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