Monday, November 15, 2004

Oil-for-Food Official May Have Blocked Inquiries

The United Nations is corrupt. There is no doubt about that. The oil-for-food program is one of the most corrupt. The concept was good, providing food for the Iraqi people by buying oil from Iraq. Unfortunately, the food went to someone else and the money, billions of dollars went to Saddam Hussein.

Officials at the UN knew about the scandal and did nothing to stop it. The corrupt head of the food-for-oil program, Benon Sevan, told his staff NOT to investigate claims of corruption and helped to block efforts by the UN anti-corruption unit.

Why does the United States support this organization. It is not friendly to the US, it supports terrorist countries, and it is more corrupt than Chicago in the old days? It makes no sense to providee millions of dollars of taxpayer money to this organization. It makes no sense to participate in this corrupt organizations.

With all the corruption maybe it is a good place for Bill Clinton. He would fit in well.

Oil-for-Food Official May Have Blocked Inquiries (

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