Friday, November 05, 2004

Tidbits - 11/5/04

There is a story that Alan Keyes, Republican candidate for the Senate seat in Illinois, has refused to congratulate Barack Obama. Keyes says that it would be a "false gesture." Sorry, Alan, being a sore loser is not the Chicago Way.

Here are some interesting items.

+Tuesday's election saw eleven states reject gay marriage. Now it's time for the lawsuits. The first one is being filed in Oklahoma.

Shouldn't the will of the people outweigh the will of the attorneys?
First Lawsuit Filed to Overturn Voter-Approved Marriage Amendments -- 11/04/2004

+What will the US Senate be like without Tom Daschle? Will the new Democratic Leader be less of an obstructionist? Will the Senate still be a "dead zone" for judicial nominees and important bills like energy? Will 55 Republicans make a difference?

These are all good questions that will be answered very soon as the 109th Congress convenes in January. What happens, in large part, depends on Senator Majority Leader, Bill Frist, will he push the Bush agenda hard or will he allow the Democrats to filibuster their way through Bush's second term?

With a serious defeat on Tuesday, the Democrats should look toward their future as a party and wonder where everything went wrong. If they continue on their past road with Daschle, the 2006 mid-term election could garner enough lost seats in the Senate to guarantee no filibusters. So, a warning to the Senate Democrats, play ball or enjoy retirement.

OpinionJournal - Scene & Heard

More later.

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