Wednesday, November 03, 2004

One More Item From The Kerry Spot on National Review Online

Let's see. First, Walter Cronkite said that Karl Rove worked closely with Osama bin Laden in the production of the latest tape. Poor Walter.

Now, the propaganda minister for the Kerry campaign, Dan Rather, says that Karl Rove controls the "bloggers." Poor Dan. Retirement is looking better isn't it Dan.

From the Kerry Spot . . .



If you are a blogger who supports President Bush, you may not be aware that your site is really an extension of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Dan Rather broke the news early this morning at 4:07 ET.

"The secretary of state in Ohio says, we're not going to have another Florida, we will count all of those votes no matter how long it takes. It might take as much as a week. We'll simply have to wait and see. Ed Bradley, you did before saying clearly advantage Bush in Ohio, very hard to put the figures together and see how John Kerry can win.

"That being the case, one would expect that the blogging machine, which the White House and Bush-Kerry [sic] campaign have used to such strong advantage for any number of purposes over their four years will start, if it hasn't started already, a campaign to say Kerry and Edwards for the good of the country need to concede."

Dan Rather knows a thing or too about the collective power of blogs and the Internet but to make such a statement is preposterous. Looks like he's still stuck in 1974.

Bradley all but agreed with Dan:

"I'm sure it started already."

Rather agrees with Bradley's assent: "Right."

"If we could tune in to the internet right here you'd see people were saying that. That's certainly what the White House, the drum the White House is beating. We heard that from the two Republican senators in Ohio that he should concede at this point because from their experience, the lead is too large for him to overcome in Ohio. But as Bob Schieffer pointed out the mistake that the Gore people felt that they made was that they gave in too early."

These sound like the words of a man who has nightmarish visions of furious Pajamahadeen warriors when he closes his eyes at night.

Say goodnight, Dan. Say goodbye, Walter.
The Kerry Spot on National Review Online

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