Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Reflections

Bush Wins! Bush Wins!

Yes, it is true. Kerry has conceded the election and the nation moves forward with a second Bush term. One of the biggest surprises was the popular vote. It did not quite reach the 120 million predicted by the Democrats and the liberal media, but it was the largest number of votes for a President, even Ronald Reagan. It is a great victory for Bush and I am sure a bitter defeat for John Kerry and the Democrats.

There will be some changes at the DNC. I predict that Terry MacAuliffe is out by the end of the year or sooner. He has failed in two Presidential and one mid-term election. Perhaps, Hillary Clinton will put him on her campaign staff.

Once the Democrats reorganize and find out what they stand for, the race for 2008 will begin. If you watched the campaign and the rhetoric, it was hard to discover what the Democrats stood for. The Kerry campaign was highly negative and did more attacking than explaining of policy. That is possibly one of the major reasons for the defeat.

It was a close race, no doubt, and the campaign for 2008 starts today. Who will run for the Democrats? Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Tom Vislick are names most mentioned. It is, however, Hillary's nomination to lose. If you can really talk about this early.

I must tip my hat to Kerry and his concession speech. He was honest with his assessment. His call for unity was, I believe, genuine. It will be interesting to see what happens when he returns to the Senate.

John Edwards is a different matter. For a brief moment, I thought Edwards was going to announce that he would fight for a Kerry Victory no matter what Kerry wanted. He was angry and upset. I will not miss John Edwards.

Now that the campaign and election is over, what will happen here. We will continue to look for media bias and problems. We will continue to criticize Democrats, liberal, and Republicans who do foolish things.

What will I miss?

I will miss the Kerry Spot and Battlegrounders on National Review Online. They provided links and interesting information for this blog. I hope all the cheeses, bug & medium, survive.

I will miss trying to find a national newscast that is merely a cheerleader for the Kerry campaign. I guess they will be cheering for some other liberal cause.

What I won't miss!

I won't miss Dan Rather. I am certain that following the dismal ratings for CBS' election coverage that Rather will NOT be the anchor during the 2008 campaign and maybe not for the 2006 mid-term elections. Rather's contract runs out in 2006.

I will not miss Sarah Edwards and her insulting demeanor toward the Cheney family. The only shame the Cheney family feels is for you Mrs. Edwards.

I will not miss the Heinz son who may be the real "coke head."

I will not moss Teresa Heinz-Kerry. Hopefully she will return to her quiet life of running a foundation and finding loopholes in the tax law. Heinz-Kerry is one of the biggest reasons to reorganize or abolish the IRS.

Finally, I will not miss Tom Daschle. The voters of South Dakota made the correct move. Daschle was the head obstructionist in the Senate. Without Daschle, it is possible that the Senate will be able to work together in a bi-partisan way. What am I saying? I forgot Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Dick Durbin, and Hillary Clinton are still there.

It has been a long campaign season and the next one starts . . . tomorrow.

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