Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tidbits - 11/17/04

Who's next? It would not be a surprise to see Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitige leave his position. A Powell supporter, he will not fit into a Rice State Department. It is also possible that President Bush will allow Secretary of State nominee, Condoleeza Rice, suggest a Deputy.

There is also speculation that Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge may leave the administration. I can only think of one person to replace Ridge, former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani. If asked, will Giuliani give up lucrative speaking engagements for the post?
Here ate some interesting items.
+The Motion Picture Association of America announced the first wave of lawsuits against individuals who pirate motion pictures using file swapping programs. The group did not mention how many suits were filed nor where the filings were made.

The lawsuits seek injunctions against the individuals and were asking for fines as outlined in copyright law.

This is similar action to the successful and ongoing suits by the Record Industry Association against music file swappers and internet sites, such as the original Napster, that facilitate the pirating of copyrighted material.
My Way News

+Senate Democrats elected Harry Reid (D-NV) as the next Senate Minority Leader. The 64 year old Reid said that he is looking forward for cooperation across the aisle, but warned Republicans not to "mess with the rules." He is referring to the possible change to the filibuster rules suggested by Majority Leader, Bill Frist (R-TN).

Reid bring an interesting record to the position. He is more conservative than Tom Daschle and may be able to work with Republicans on a variety of issues. The big questions is "will he?" Reid said that he would prefer to "dance than to fight<" but he can fight if necesary.

The new Senate will be interesting.
Yahoo! News - New Senate Dems Leader Seeks Cooperation
More later.

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