Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tidbits - 11/10/04

As a second term approaches, changes in the Cabinet are assured. Those changes began Tuesday as Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans announced their resignations.

Neither resignation is a surprise and will not be the last. As noted here, I believe that Secretary of State Colin Powell should resign due to his lack of support for Administration policy including the War in Iraq. Unlike other pundits, I do not believe that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will resign or be fired. A change at Defense during war would put the military into crisis and lower morale.

My Way News

Here are some interesting items.

+Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist is still working. While recovering from thyroid cancer and the affects of chemotherapy, Rehnquist, 80, is working from his home and writing opinions.

He is the author of the majority opinion in the case of deportation of immigrants with permanent status for drunk driving. In the opinion, Rehnquist wrote that such driving accidents do not amount to intentional "crimes of violence" that can lead to expulsion from the country. - Court sides with immigrant deported over DWI

More later.

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