Monday, November 29, 2004

Bill O'Reilly: Dan got smeared

During the P{residential campaign, the "no" spin from Bill O"Reilly seemed like it was spinning in favor of Kerry. Although Kerry refused to be interviewed bu O'Reilly, many of his Talking Points seem more critical of the Bush Administration. By the way, Bill, President Bush did sit with you for an interview. The interview was mostly fair.

Now, O'Reilly, is just being silly. In a column in the New York Post, O"Reilly is supporting Dan Rather. He now says that Rather was smeared. No, Bill, Rather smeared himself.

Rather smeared himself in the liberal mantra. He chose to use forged documents in a 60 Minutes story. He chose not to refute the documents even after they were proven to be forged. He told the Chicago Tribune that he still believes in the documents authenticity. Rather and producer, Mary Mapes, have been after this story for four year and, until the forgeries, were going nowhere with it.

In recent years, Rather has become a charicature of himself using more puns than a Seinfeld clone.

Sorry, Bill, you are backing the wrong horse in this race. Rather and CBS News have lost most, if not all, it credibility because of the tactics and poor journalistic standards enforced by Rather.

New York Daily News - Home - Bill O'Reilly: Dan got smeared

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