Monday, July 12, 2004

Weekend Tidbits

A rather slow news weekend.

There was, however, another demonstration of how CBS News has become a shill for the democrat party. First, a few weeks ago, Dan Rather announced that Clinton's book was a great book and best seller. Second, Rather took over 60 minutes for a love fest with the former President. Nothing interesting or new. Just more of the arrogant tripe from the former President. Now, CBS News sent far-left interviewer. Leslie Stahl, to interview the two Johns and their wives. More softball, more campaign advertising. Perhaps it's time for the Republicans to ask for equal time. Unfortunately, it won't happen on CBS.

+One of the more interesting items from the weekend. In a July 19th Newsweek article, the Department of Homeland Security is investigating the probability of moving the November election in the event of a terrorist attack on or near Election Day.

This sounds like an excellent plan to prevent what happened in Spain. Of course, the left has already suggested that this is a way for Bush to steal the election. It does seem to be a prudent idea to investigate. See article below.

+A new documentary, "Outfoxed" will premiere today in New York and luckily not anywhere else. It is left winger, Michael Moore admirer, Robert Greenwald's attempt to denigrate Fox News. Using Moore propaganda techniques and "stolen" footage from Fox News, Greenwald attempts to demonstrate that Fox News is a wing of the Republican party.

Fox News responds that it is looking into legal ways to stop the film from using its footage without permission. (A violation of Federal copyright laws.) See articles below.

+Here's an article from late last week that you will not see reported on the mainstream elitist media. The House voted to keep the Patriot Act as is. No changes. Finally, Congress is making a little sense. Article below.

+From the Washington Times an article about the Kerry spending plan. It appears that in the first year of a Kerry presidency spending would rise over 220 billion dollars and even more in the second year. Again, this story will not be reported on the mainstream liberal media. Article below.

+Finally, from the Black Hills Pioneer an article about Tom Daschle. It appears that the Senate minority leader is more concerned about the terrorist threat than the French looking senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry. Daschle received the same briefing that candidate Kerry was too busy to receive. Daschle called the briefing "sobering." This, again, calls into question Kerry's ability to lead and understand the threat to our country. Article below.

More later.


MSNBC - Exclusive: Election Day Worries
Tilting at the Right, Leaning to the Left (
My Way News
Kerry proposals boost spending - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - July 12, 2004
The Black Hills Pioneer, Newspapers, South Dakota, SD

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