Tuesday, July 13, 2004

LA Times Slams Kerry

This is my favorite tidbit from the National Review's Kerry Spot. In fact I cannot believe that the LA Times actually criticizes the Senator from Massachusetts. It is amazing.

The L.A. Times, no fan of Bush, slams the Democratic ticket

Both Sens. Kerry and Edwards voted yes on the resolution authorizing the war in Iraq. And now they refuse to say whether they would have supported the resolution if they had known what they know today. Both say they can't be bothered with 'hypothetical questions.'
But whether it is a hypothetical question depends on how you phrase it. Do they regret these votes? Were their votes a mistake? These are not hypothetical questions. And they are questions the Democratic candidates for president and vice president cannot duck if they wish to attack Bush on Iraq in such morally charged language.
When Kerry says 'they were wrong,' he is referring to the administration's basic case for going to war. Kerry supported that decision. So did Edwards. Were they wrong? If they won't answer that question, they have no moral standing to criticize Bush.
The Bush campaign is calling it 'the mother of all flip-flops.'"

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