Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Tidbits - 7/28/04

Who won the "debate" between Michael Moore and Bill O'Reilly.

Hands down O'Reilly. O'Reilly asked questions that went unanswered while Moore continued to rant on one issue . . .WMD.

Moore showed himself to be out of touch on several issues and ignored facts that refuted his claims. It is time for Michael Moore to take the money and go away.

There was a star at the convention last night. It wasn't Ted Kennedy. It wasn't Teresa Heinz Kerry. It was a little known state senator from Illinois, Barack Obama. Obama is currently running unopposed for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the retiring Peter Fitzgerald, a Republican. As a side note, the Illinois Republican Party is in such disarray that it is unable to find anyone willing to run.

While many call Obama a rising star in the democratic Party, he looks and sounds like true liberal. He says that there is just one United States of America, but he is part of a party that doesn't really believe that. Since I am not a resident of Illinois, I cannot (and probably) would not vote for him. It is good, however, that an African-American got a spot on the DNC roster. It is also a shame that Jesse Jackson supports him. That support will cost him a substantial number of votes and a tarnished reputation if he wins.

Now, here a some interesting items.

+It is now official . . the DNC is dull.

At least that's what Dan Rather says and you know that if Rather says it, it must be right. Oh wait, if Rather says it, it must be left.

From CBS News-->CBS News | Rather On Convention: Dullsville | July 27, 2004�22:52:33

+It appears that far-left filmmaker, Michael Moore, is recanting one of the many lies in his movie.

He now says that President Bush was not responsible for the flights of Saudi citizens out of the country following 9/11. This glaring lie was a major premise of the movie. In fact it was Moore buddy, Richard Clarke, that authorized the flights.

One lie down, so many Moore to go.

CNS article -->Michael Moore Backpedals on Key Premise of Documentary -- 07/28/2004

+A former mayor of Boston, Ray Flynn, is criticizing his own part for being out of touch with America. Well, at least, one democrat has it write.

Flynn says that the Democrats are ignoring core values both at the convention and in its platform.

CNS story-->Ex-Boston Dem Mayor Says Party 'Out of Touch' With American Values -- 07/28/2004

+Now for today's items from the Kerry Spot on National Review Online:


The Kerry Spot's most important reader - commonly referred to as "Dad" - was one of the respondents to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, the one that had surprisingly good numbers for the president.

The registered Republican, in South Carolina, reports that "some of the questions were leading the witness to favor Kerry and oppose W. I'll bet that's a surprise."

The ABC/Washington Post poll has a pretty good reputation. And this most recent one seems to have made a splash. The liberal magazine Mother Jones felt a need to tell Democrats not to panic.

This does not surprise me at all. If true, then this poll is really an indicator of things to come.


The Most Irresponsible Convention Line Ever, and I don't mean the long line for the lone non-port-a-john bathroom:

In the depths of the Depression, Franklin Roosevelt inspired the nation when he said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' Today, we say the only thing we have to fear is four more years of George Bush." — Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
Iran is building nuclear weapons, North Korea has nuclear weapons, al-Qaeda has dedicated itself to killing as many Americans as possible, France and Germany want to appease dictators, Abu Zarqawi and his band of thugs are abducting any foreigner they can get their hands on, and all Kennedy thinks we have to fear is George W. Bush?

Pleasant little alternate reality he lives in, isn't it?


Barack Obama, profiled here, is Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford 2.0.

Ford gave the Democrats' keynote address in 2000. Back then, Brit Hume said, "I think anyone can get a sense why the Gore campaign chose him. Young, graceful, articulate. A good speaker, and the message, I think, more attuned to the other nights of this convention, rather than to this one."

U.S. News' Michael Barone: "I think we may be looking at a new political star."

And yet, while Ford hasn't disappeared, he hasn't quite risen to the heights some might have expected.


Jim Dyke, RNC Spokesman: "Last Thursday we heard John Kerry assert that he will take responsibility for what is said at this convention, and tonight John Kerry's partner in the Senate and political mentor of 20 years attacked the President in a base and personal way without identifying one positive aspect of John Kerry's record or vision. This night exemplified the anger, pessimism and negativity of the Democratic Party."

More later

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