Monday, July 19, 2004

Senator Byrd on Meet the Press

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) appeared to talk about his Bush bashing book.

The former Ku Klux Klan member, ranted about just about everything wrong with the current Administration. In one response, however, the aging senator flip flopped in a single answer.

"MR. RUSSERT: Let me show you what you also say in the book. Back in October of 2002, only 23 senators opposed a resolution authorizing the president to go to war. 'In the end, only 22 other members voted to oppose this despicable grant of authority. ...Never in my half century of congressional service had the United States Senate proved unworthy of its great name. What would the framers have thought? In this terrible show of weakness, the Senate left an indelible stain upon its own escutcheon. Having revered the Senate during my service for more than forty years, I was never pained so much.'
You say that the 22 senators who joined with you were profiles in courage, and those who didn't vote that way had shown weakness. John Kerry, candidate for president, John Edwards, candidate for vice president, your Democratic Party, voted for the war. Are they weak?

SEN. BYRD: They were misled. I'm confident of that. And I have a feeling that that is why they voted as they did."

Well, Senator, which is it. Are they weak or were the misled. You cannot have it both ways. Senator Byrd, by the way, is the "poster child" for the reason for term limits.

Complete transcript of NBC News' Meet the Press can be found here - - >MSNBC - Transcript for July 18:

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