Friday, July 23, 2004

More from the Kerry Spot

Apparently the French-looking senator from Massachusetts would have no problem spending your tax dollars, but has a problem when it comes to paying airport fees and taxes in Taxachusetts.

This is the kind of story that the Kerry campaign could do without:

...a caterer who bought food on the island for Kerry's campaign jet ducked one bill and haggled over another.
'Apparently they don't feel like he needs to pay fees to the airport,' [Nantucket airport manager Al] Peterson said. 'I gather the senator objects to that because his aide quoted him as saying that he already pays taxes on the island.'

Peterson is out $847 from the two visits Kerry has paid to the island since he became the presumptive Democratic nominee.
The first time, the person who arranges food service for Kerry's chartered Boeing 757 worked directly with a Nantucket caterer, bypassing the 25 percent handling fee typically paid to the airport. The food bill had come to $2,388, so Nantucket airport would have been paid $597.

The second time, after being reminded to go through the airport for catering, Scott Lalka, who coordinates food for Kerry's flights, said he would only pay $150 of the $400 bill he owed the airport.
According to Peterson, Lalka told him that he represented the Kerry campaign and the candidate did not feel he needed to pay the fees because he already pays taxes on Nantucket.

The airport has never had a problem with other passengers paying handling fees, Peterson said.

Attention, Kerry staffers: You're breaking fundraising records, and the candidate's wife is worth up to a billion. Pay the ferschtunkin' $847."
The Kerry Spot on National Review Online: "KERRY DUCKED AIRPORT FEES? [07/23 01:01 PM]

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