Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Here are a few short stories.

+It seems that Teresa Heinz Kerry stuck her foot well inside her mouth during a Friday morning breakfast with Women for Kerry.

Mrs. Kerry's Kooky Comment

(CNSNews.com) - The New York Post's Page Six column says Teresa Heinz Kerry "surprised and worried some of the 1,000 guests at Friday morning's Women for Kerry breakfast when she looked out at the crowd and said, 'We had better get you women some birth control, there are so many of you here!'"

+Now here's a good idea.

Advertisements Will Urge Kerry and Edwards to Resign

(CNSNews.com) - A conservative organization says it is taking out full-page ads in Boston-area newspapers during the Democratic National Convention, demanding that Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards resign from the U.S. Senate while they run for office, something that isn't likely to happen. "In 1996, Republican Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas resigned his Senate seat and his powerful post as Senate GOP leader shortly before he formally the accepted Republican nomination for president. Sen. Barry Goldwater did the same in 1964. Shouldn't the American people insist that Kerry and Edwards have the integrity to do the same?" asked RightMarch.com, which describes itself as "an umbrella site for conservative groups."

+Another good idea

Some See Mitt Romney As Rising Republican Star

(CNSNews.com) - Mitt Romney for president in 2008? A report in the Washington Times describes the Massachusetts governor as a "popular conservative in a bastion of liberalism" who is "fast becoming a rising Republican star and a potential 2008 presidential candidate by bashing home-state Sen. John Kerry as too left-wing and leading the charge against same-sex 'marriage.'"

+Another wacky idea from the ACLU. They must be stopped.

ACLU: Federal Marriage Amendment 'Harmful to Children'

(CNSNews.com) - With the Federal Marriage Amendment front and center in the U.S. Senate this week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois has urged senators of that state to vote against the "dangerous action" of limiting marriage to one man and one woman through a change in the U.S. Constitution. "The amendment itself has the potential to write discrimination into our Constitution for the first time in history," said Edwin Yohnka, spokesman for the ACLU of Illinois

More later

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