Saturday, July 17, 2004

Boston Labor Dispute Awaits The Democratic Convention

Will the Democrats embarrass themselves during the convention and many state parties.

The continued labor problems between the City of Boston and its police and firefighters unions could cause problems for many delegates and the presumed candidates.

In June, Senator Kerry chose not to cross a picket line to give a speech. This time, however, will he cross the line or will he sneak in to the convention.

A variety of demostrations and protests are scheduled at various convention events attended or hosted by the Mayor of Boston.

Attention Democrats, you claim to love labor. This will be a true test of your claims and character. How many of you will cross a picket line? If one convention delegate does, it will send a message "loud & clear" to labor. That would be that you cannot trust the democrats to keep their promises to labor.

Good luck in Beantown.

Washington Post article ->Boston Labor Dispute Awaits The Democratic Convention (

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