Thursday, July 22, 2004

Tidbits - 7/22/04

Today's the day. Today the highly partisan 9/11 Commission will officially release its report.

I'm sure that most of the important stuff has been leaked and I'm sure the Commissioners Ben Viniste and Kerry (that's Bob) will have something negative to say further that wasn't included.

Updates throughout the day.

Now for some interesting morsels.

+Now here's something so typical it is funny.

A liberal group claims that the extension of the Bush tax cuts for two years will hurt the middle class and the economy.

So, let me understand this liberals, if I have more money to put back into the economy instead of sending it to you in congress to waste, it is harmful to me. Yeah right.

Full article -->Tax Cut Extension Would Hurt Middle Class, Liberal Group Claims -- 07/22/2004

+More on the Berger Investigation

apparently House Speak Dennis Hastert (R-IL) isn;t quite satisfied with the explanation by lawyers and spokespeople for former Clinton and Kerry advisor, Sandy Berger. He is calling for a Congressional investigation.

I wonder why the staff at the National Archives who claim they saw Berger take documents didn't stop him before leaving the building.

The full article which poses some interesting questions -->House Speaker Wonders, Was Berger Covering Up? -- 07/22/2004

More Berger related articles --> | True Ozarks | Guards left Berger alone, sources say
Archives Staff Was Suspicious of Berger (
Bush: Berger incident 'very serious' House committee will investigate

+It appears that Senator John Edwards is echoing statements made by John Kerry. In an interview on Larry King Live, Edwards said that world leaders want Bush to lose.

I'll ask the Senator from NC they same question everyone asked Kerry, Who are these leaders? Give us a list.

Here's more:
Sen. John Edwards said on CNN's LARRY KING LIVE last night:

"Just a few weeks ago...I was in Brussels at NATO meeting with a whole group of NATO ambassadors and hearing their perspective on this. I just believe that these countries around the world, whose cooperation and alliances we need, believe that in order for them to have a fresh start with America, we're going to need a new president to do that. Now, they're not going to want to say this very vocally, of course, but the reality is that in order for us to reestablish old relations and to establish new relationships, I believe we need a new president. ...
"They didn't say that directly. What they said was they're very frustrated with the way this administration has dealt with them. They believe that in this case our trans-Atlantic relationships are important, should be important to America, are important to them. They want to be treated with some level of respect.

"They understand, because I made it very clear, at the end of the day, the president of the United States is going to do what's in the best interest of the American people. But the vast majority of the time, our interests are aligned with the interests of our allies around the world."

+Today's items of note from the Kerry Spot on National Review OnLine.


The RealClearPolitics guys get to the crux of the race at this stage: It's roughly 45-45-10 in most of the polls, and has been for a while. While some left-of-center commentators are gleefully comparing the Bush campaign to a "desperate" "wounded animal", the state of the race has gone from Bush having a major advantage to it now being a much closer context. As they put it,

"...many Republican lawmakers, operatives and activists are terrified. But they are terrified not because they think that President Bush is going to lose, but rather because over the last six months they have realized that it is now possible that President Bush might lose. That is a big difference."
Have those undecided ten percent completely given up on Bush? Probably not, otherwise they wouldn't be undecided. The other questions - how many of them will show up on Election Day? And how many live in swing states?

Kerry's done better than the average challenger, but anyone who tells you the race is over today probably deluded enough to carry his important papers in his socks.

The Kerry Spot on National Review Online

More later.

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