Monday, July 26, 2004

Clinton's Censored?

Clinton's censored, perhaps.

Word is that tensions between Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Kerry campaign continue apace, as the Kerry folks have asked to see the prepared remarks of both Clintons before they hit the theater in the round type stage on Monday.

'We're not so worried about the content, as much as we are worried about the length,' says a Kerry adviser at the Fleet Center Sunday afternoon. 'We were hearing that Hillary's introduction of the president was upwards of 15 minutes long. That's unacceptable. We just want this thing to go smoothly.'"

Frankly, I think the DNC and Kerry campaign should have stuck to their first plan . . . no Hillary.

The Clintons dislike John Kerry. Everyone should know this. The Clintons wanted Wesley Clarke as their candidate. Someone they could control. They want Kerry to lose so Hillary can run in '08.

Maybe the Kerry campaign should have insisted on Whoppi Goildberg's remarks and read them before she ever stepped on stage in New York.

More -->The American Spectator

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