Thursday, July 05, 2012

Where to begin - July 5, 2012

Celebrating the Fourth of July and virtually ignoring the news and blather from various local, state, and national campaigns can put you behind on reading the day's events. While looking through a few articles late last night, I did find a few items to begin this day.

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Ann Romney is on a mission.  A mission to show that her husband is not quite as rigid as he is portrayed.  Romney once said she was done with campaigning, but her appearance on CBS may change the Romney campaign strategy with a strong and committed wife and campaigner.

In the interview with her husband at her side, Romney reiterated an Obama campaign memo that said their strategy was to destroy Mitt Rooney's character or as one Obama campaign staffer put it to "kill Romney,"

"That was their memo that came out from their campaign," Ann Romney said. "And it's like, 'not when I'm next to him you better not."

More including video here.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has stepped up to help unemployed veterans.  In a move certain to upset the Obama campaign.

While the building of the Keystone Pipeline is being delayed for political reasons by the Obama administration, the veterans group is part pf a deal that will send veterans across the border to fill as many 114,000 jobs on the pipeline and other projects.

According to a Fox News report, the deal is being negotiated by the Edmonton Economic Development Corp. and VetJobs, a job-placement company in which the VFW has a stake.

More here on the proposed deal and other veteran unemployment.

Financial matters are complicated.  Home loans and mortgages are complicated.  They are made more complicated by unscrupulous companies that spend as much time giving "discount" to lawmakers to get favorable legislation or funding.

That is the bottom line of the failed Countrywide Financial Corp.  Countrywide with it sub prime loans helped start the foreclosure crisis.

According to a House report, the company made hundreds of discounted loans to members of Congress, congressional staff, top government officials and executives Fannie Mae.  Former senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) were implicated as the scandal became public.

The Department of Justice has not prosecuted anyone in the Countrywide debacle.  The report said that documents and testimony showed conversation about discounted loans were discussed internally thus skirting federal bribery statutes.  The VIP loan program, as it was known, was designed to "to cast a wide net of influence."

More on the report.

This is from the sometimes you have to pay attention department.

A North Carolina legislator pushed the wrong button during a vote on a bill to open NC to fracking.

Rep. Becky Carney (D- Charlotte)  said she mistakenly pressed the wrong button during a vote to override Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of the controversial legislation.

A change in Carney's vote would have changed the result which is against the House rules in NC. Carney asked for the rule to be suspended, but was denied.

How Carney could have pressed the wrong button in a vote on an issue so important to her is unknown.  To speculate, would be a little unfair.  Perhaps, legislators should be more careful when voting and always read legislation before voting.

More here

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Finally, as many of you know I have been unemployed for a while.  It is hard and tougher than ever. I really hate it.  Perhaps this is why I restarted this blog. Nevertheless, I find some comfort in prayer and , especially prayer to Saint Jude. As you here about management and mid to senior level jobs in media and communications, please email me or send a private message on Google+.

That's it for now.

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