Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wednesday Update - 5.17.05 - Debate Continues

Good afternoon . .

The debate continues on the Senate floor on the judicial nominees of President Bush. For complete coverage go to C-SPAN.
DNC Chairman is like the Energizer bunny, except in Dean's case he keeps talking, and talking, and talking. The result is he continues to make the Democrats look bad. His comments in many cases are not accepted by the most liberal of Democrats.

On Saturday, Dean continued to bash House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. In a speech to Massachusetts Democrats Dean said Delay "'ought to go back to Houston where he can serve his jail sentence." Problem is DeLay has not been convicted of anything, but Dean believes that the possibility of an infraction is cause enough to go to jail.

Today, the DNC leader told the Arizona Republic, "There's corruption at the highest level of the Republican Party, and they're going to have to face up to that one of these days, because the law is closing in on Tom DeLay.

"I think he's guilty ... of taking trips paid for by lobbyists, and of campaign-finance violations during his manipulation of the Texas election process."

This is a very different stance for the failed presidential candidate, during the campaign made it a point to give Osama Bin Laden the benefit of the doubt on his guilt in the 9/11 attacks.

In a campaign speech, Dean said, "I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Osama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials."

In other words a sworn enemy of the United States should get a fair trial and all that goes with it, but a Republican who serves his district and country with distinction should go directly to jail without an indictment, trial, or conviction.

This is the type of leadership that the Democrats have. This type of leadership will reduce the amount of money they can raise and will keep them out of power for many years to come.
WorldNetDaily: DeLay guiltier than bin Laden?
William F. Buckley, Jr. has been credited with the start of the conservative movement. For years Buckley stood at the forefront of American thought and politics. By founding the National Review, Buckley brought conservative thought and wisdom to a wider audience. His television show, Firing Line made it possible for viewers to see a glimpse into the minds of conservative and liberals alike.

His retirement from National Review has left a big hole. The principles of the magazine continue, but the wit and wisdom of Buckley are only seen in rare columns. I miss his weekly insight into American politics.

In the aftermath of Newsweek's bogus article on the desecration of the Quran by investigators at Guantanemo Bay, Buckley has penned an excellent article on Newsweek's Dilemna.
William F. Buckley Jr. on Newsweek and the Koran on National Review Online
More tomorrow.

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