Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tuesday Extra! - Deep Throat Revealed?? - 5.31.05

Good afternoon . . .

Who is Deep Throat? That is the only mystery left in the Watergate break-in and scandal. The scandal eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

The identity of the source who leaked information to the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

W. Mark Felt, was second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s. His claim was published Tuesday in Vanity Fair magazine and family members believe it is true.

Over the years, Felt has denied he was Deep Throat.

Neither Woodward nor Bernstein have commented on the revelation in the magazine. In 2003, they pledged to keep the identity of Deep Throat secret until his death.

Several Nixon Administration officials have been considered possible candidates for Deep Throat including Henry Kissinger, Diane Sawyer, White House Counsel Fred Fielding, and Pat Buchanan.

Others theorized that Deep Throat was a composite of several sources.
Ex-FBI Official Says He Was 'Deep Throat' - Yahoo! News
The trial that may eventually determine who is or will become the governor of Washington continues today.

The state elections director testified that he saw problems in the vote count, but they were innocent mistakes.

"I saw inadvertent mistakes and errors of human beings who were working their hearts out," said Nick Handy, who was appointed to the post. He said he disagrees with his boss, Secretary of State Sam Reed, a Republican, who has called the problems in heavily Democratic King County "appalling."

The trial will determine whether vote fraud and errors will lead to a new election for governor.
Elections Director Claims Vote Mistakes - Yahoo! News
Members of Congress and their aides are scrambling to report trips that may have been paid for by lobbyists or other special interest groups. Under House rules a registered lobbyist may not pay for travel or other related expenses.

The rule also requires public disclosure of the trip and its funding within 30 days. The Associated Press has uncovered at least 198 recently filed reports that are as much as eight years old. House Minority Whip Stermy Hoyer (D-MD) recently disclosed 12 trips dating back to 1997. Funny we do not hear any outrage from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about the ethical break among her leadership.

Of course, Pelosi has said that any rules violations by Democrats are nothing compared to the rule violations by Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX). Pelosi has also said that she will not change or re-file any travel forms. There are questions about a trip Pelosi took to the Caribbean paid for by the same lobbying firm that alledgedly paid for one of DeLay's trips. Just doesn't seem right, does it?
Lawmakers Belatedly Disclose Trips - Yahoo! News
More tomorrow.

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