Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday Update - 5.2.05 - Washington State Battle Continues

Good afternoon . . .

Washington State Republicans have won an important battle in their quest to nullify last November's gubernatorial election.

Since November, the GOP has been trying to unseat Gov. Christine Gregorie. Republican candidate Dino Rossi is looking for a new election due to numerous illegal ballots that eventually made Gregorie the governor.

Rossi won the first and second recounts, but lost a hand count when several "uncounted" votes were found in Democrat stronghold King County.

Washington state law allows for challenging and nullifying an election, but it has never been used to remove a governor.

Republicans claim to have uncovered more than 1,000 illegal ballots, mostly from felons plus some unverified provisional ballots and votes cast in the name of dead people.

In a hearing today, Judge John Bridges gave the GOP permission to use "proportional analysis" to the illegal votes.

Under proportional analysis illegal votes would be subtracted from both sides in proportion to the precient voting pattern.

The trial is to begin May 23 and both sides agree that it will not be settled until in reaches the Washington State Supreme Court.
GOP Wins Election Challenge in Washington - Yahoo! News
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says that a showdown over President Bush's judicial nominees is "inevitable."

In an interview with USA Today Frist says he will push for a vote on judicial nominees before the Memorial Day recess because the "extreme partisanship" in the Senate justifies the move.

"There are times in history where you have to change either the rules or the precedent based on external behavior," he said Friday.
Frist: Showdown with Democrats over court nominees may be 'inevitable' - Yahoo! News
Google will be changing the way you see news.

Google, my choice for a search engine and e-mail provider, will change the way it "ranks" the display of news stories in a search. The new system will begin ranking by "quality rather than simply by their date and relevance to search times." This will give "major" media like the AP and BBC an advantage.

I wonder of the BBC, AP, and others will be willing to pay for the advantage?
WorldNetDaily: Google: Big Media has higher quality
Today's Briefs

TV Evangelist Pat Robertson says Rudy Giuliani would be good President.

UK Election Update
More tomorrow.

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