Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Afternoon Update - 1.5.05

The controversial gubernatorial race in Washington state may not be over.

The GOP may object to the ratification of the November election. The ratification is usually a ceremony at best in which the leaders of the State House and Senate announce that. hearing no objections, the election is ratified.

This year after multiple recounts GOP leaders say they will object unless questions are answered about the election process that have Governor elect Christine Gregoire 129 more votes than Republican Dino Rossi.

House Minority Leader Bruce Chandler is asking specifically about how several counties counted thousands more votes than there were voters recorded. Without this answer, Chandler says he will object.

Of Rossi would have won, Jesse Jackson would have invaded Washington. Since it is a Democrat who won, at least for now, Jackson is silent on possible voter fraud in Washington State.

GOP may object to ratification of governor vote

Could there be a Turkeygate? The director of a Detroit food bank wants to know what Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) did with 60 frozen turkeys given to him to distribute to needy families in his district.

While promising a full accounting of the turkeys by Dec. 27th., nothing has been heard from Conyers local office or Conyers himself.

Agostinho Fernandes director of the Gleaners Community Food Bank has a invoice signed by a Conyers staffer. but has yet to receive an accounting from Conyers office.

A spokesperson for COnyers said the turkeys were given to famikies listed by the Family Indepedence Agency (FIA). A spokespersone for the FIA is unaware of any turkeys from Conyers and agencu policy is not to disclose the names of families served by the FIA.

So, Mr. Conyers, what diud you do with 60 turkeys?
Where did turkeys go?

Here is some good news for Supreme COurt watchers. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist has returned to the Court on a part time basis. Rehnquist cvontinues to receive cjemotherapy and radiation treatments for his thyroid cancer.

A spokespersone for the Court sauid that Rehnquist has been working in the building since Dec. 20. He continues to work from his Arlinmgton home.

Rehnquist plans to swear in President Bush at the Innauguration on Jan. 20.
Yahoo! News - Ailing Chief Justice Rehnquist Returns to the Court

If events warrant, more in the Evening Update.

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