Monday, June 13, 2005

Jackson Acquitted - A Check This Out! Extra - 6.13.05

A star-struck Santa Maria jury proved that even falling star power is enough for a celebrity to be acquited in California.

The jury in the Michale Jackson child molestation trial somehow ignored the eveience, ignored the interview with Jackson's accuser, and lacked common sense. The jury found the aging pop-star not guilty of all charges.

It is hard to believe that Jackson was acquitted of all charges. Even the smallest amoiunt of evidence shows Jackson gave alcohol to teenagers.

It is amazing that jurors can ignore evidence that is so obvious of guilt.

The criminal justice system has received another black-eye because of celebrity and a jury that ignores evience. I wonder if this jury consulted with memebers of the OJ jury to find a way to ignore mountains of evidence.

Now Jackson is free to invite boys of any age into his bedroom and into Jackson's dark side. It is a dark day for the justice system and a dark day for any child to believe in Michael Jackson.

If Jackson keeps his rumored promise, he will leave the country. I'd preer he leave the planet.

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