Friday, June 24, 2005

Friday Update - Rumsfeld Rejects Kennedy Assertions - 6.24.05

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During a contentious Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) continued his never-ending comparison of the war in Iraq to Vietnam. In a rambling, sometime incoherent speech (Kennedy doesn't ask questions), the senior senator from Massachusetts claimed that the war in Iraq has been "grossly mismanaged" and was a "quagmire."

Sitting at the witness table, Defense Secretary responded, "First let me say that there isn't a person at this table who agrees with you that we're in a quagmire and that there's no end in sight."

This did not deter hard questions from other senators and a final "question" from Kennedy. "Isn't it time for you to resign?"

Rumsfeld responded that he had offered his resignation on two occasions, but it was the "president's call to make." The answer implying that the Secretary of Defense did not report to Sen. Kennedy or any other senator. He does serve, like all cabinet members, "at the pleasure of the President."
Rumsfeld rejects notion Iraq war is a 'quagmire' - Yahoo! News
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To no one's surprise the White House is standing behind the comments made by White House adviser Karl Rove. In a speech Wednesday, Rove said the reaction of liberals to the 9/11 attacks was to "prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding to our attackers." Rove's remarks accurately reflect the comments made during the 2004 presidential campaign by John Kerry and other liberals and Democrats.

"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing out," communications director Dan Bartlett said. "It's touched a chord with these Democrats. I'm not sure why."

Congressional Republicans joined the White House in standing behind Rove, saying that he was pointing out a philosophical difference between a president who wants to win the war and his opponents who have questioned that approach.

The backing of Rove's statements by members of the House and Senate is in sharp contrast to the response to remarks by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) that compared US interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to Nazis, Soviets, and members of the Pol Pot regime. Not one Democrats made a public statement supporting Durbin. Privately, this writer believes, Democrats rallied around the Illinois democrat.

Under pressure, Durbin apologized on the floor of the Senate for his statements. The script for the apology, complete with tears, was a well-written Hollywood script.
White House Stands Behind Rove Comments - Yahoo! News
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As it continues to change its line-up to focus more on news, CNN will drop the "Capitol Gang" from it weekend schedule.

With the cancellation of "Gang" and earlier "Crossfire," CNN has not program with a conservative voice. This solidifies CNN's reputation as a bastion of liberal thought and expression. This move will not help CNN gain ratings or get close to #! cable news outlet, Fox News Channel.
Today is shaping up to be a slow news day for Check This Out! There is unlikely to be a late afternoon update. Unless events warrant, see you Monday.

Please note: There will be no updates on Check This Out! from June 29 - July 3.

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