Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Update - 4.11.05 - Kerry's New Excuse

Good afternoon . . .

Failed presidential candidate John Kerry continues to find excuses for his lost.

In a speech Sunday to the Massachusetts League of Women Votes, Kerry aid that "trickery" and intimidation cost him the election.

According to Kerry, flyers were distributed in Wisconsin saying Democrats vote Wednesday, Republicans Tuesday. Voters received phone calls saying if you have a parking ticket you cannot vote. Kerry provided no evidence for these claims. You would think that any intelligent voter would know what day is Election Day.

Kerry and his supporters claim voting irregularities throughout the country. In Ohio, Kerry supporters filed a suit claiming voting irregularities. The suit was dismissed for lack of evidence by the Ohio Supreme Court.

Since Kerry has never disputed the outcome of the election, you have to wonder why he continues to find excuses for his lost. Sen. you did not lose because of voting irregularities. You lost because you did not have a plan. You did not have a platform. You did not connect with American voters., You were the wrong candidate.

It is likely that John Kerry will run in 2008. He will not be the nominee.
Yahoo! News - Kerry: Trickery Kept Voters From Polls
Disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law celebrated one of the nine Masses commemorating Pope John Paul II today in Rome.

His selection as one of the nine prelates saying Mass for the deceased Pope was protested by supporters of sexual abuse victims by priests in the United States. Cardinal Law was forced to step down as the archbishop of Boston after it was discovered that he was aware of abuse allegations and did nothing to curb them. His solution was to move accused priests to another parish without notifying parishioners or victims.

The Vatican escorted the protesters from St. Peter's Square before leaflets could be distributed.

By allowing Cardinal Law to celebrate the Mass, the Vatican demonstrated that it is out of touch with the American Catholic Church and its issues and is out of touch with the sexual abuse problem that has been rampant in the US.

The new Pope must address these problems with fairness and firmness in order to gain credibility with American Catholics.
Yahoo! News - Law Celebrates Mass Despite Protests
The campaign season is underway in the United Kingdom. With Polling Day set for May 5, Conservative and Labour Party officials and candidates are spreading the word.

The Conservatives have issued their manifesto (platform in the US) and encourage all voters to read it to see how the Tories have changed.

Michael Howard, Conservative leader and likely Prime Minister if the Conservative Party wins, says that re-electing Labour would mean "five more years of smirking".

For more information on the British Election and how it works, here is a basic guide to British elections developed by the BBC.
More later.

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