Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ceremony Marks End of Papacy - A Check This Out Weekend Special - 4.16.05

Ceremonies at the Vatican Saturday brought to a close the nine days of official mourning for Pope John Paul II.

The entire College of Cardinals attended the ancient rite where the ring and lead seal of John Paul II were destroyed. The ceremony was followed by a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

This was the last meeting of the cardinals until they meet Monday to begin the Conclave to elect the next Pope.

The 115 voting eligible cardinals have been sworn to secrecy as have others working in and around the Sistine Chapel.

The Vatican has installed electronic device that will block cell phone and other electronic means of communication.

The main courtyard near the chapel has been sealed and tourists have been restricted from parts of the Vatican.
Ceremony Marks End of Pope John Paul II�s 26-year Reign - April 16, 2005

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