Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Morning Briefing - 2.9.05

Good Morning . . .

A University of Colorado professor who compared 9/11 victims to Nazi war criminals is not apologizing and taking a definat stand against his detractors.

Ward Churchill spoke Tuesday night to an overflow crowd in a university ballroom. The speech continued after Churchill threatened to sue the state supported university if it was canceled.

"I owe no one an apology," Churchill said to a crowd of supporters.

Currently the university's board of regents is considering disciplinary action against the activist professor that could include his dismissal. Governor Bill Owens wants Churchill fired and the state legislatiure has issued a resolution condeming the outspoken professor.

"I do not work for the taxpayers of Colorado, and I don't work for Bill Owens. I work for you," Churchill told the audience.

Well, professor you are only partially correct. Yes, you do not work "directly" for Bill Owens. You DO, however, work for the taxpayers of Colorado. As a State-supported university, your salary, your department, the equipment you use on campus, and your benefits are paid for by the taxpayers of Colorado. And if polls are correct, the taxpayers of Colorado want you to be fired.
My Way News
FoxNews Channel was the first "mainstream" media outlet to report on the Eason Jordan controversy. Jordan is the CNN news executive who told a room that included Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and several high profile journalists that US troops were targeting US journalists for assasination.

CNN continues to claims that Jordan was taken out of context and later retracted his statement. Witnesses including Frank say that he did not.
This is starting out as a slow news day, but there are some interesting items on the Eason Jordan controversy and other topics on TKS on National Review Online. TKS on National Review Online
More in the Afternoon Update.

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