Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Morning Briefing - 2.2.05

Happy Groundhog Day . .

Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow early this morning. So, we are in for six more weeks of winter.
The Vatican is reporting that Pope John Paul II was taken to the hospital Tuesday as a precaution. The Pope suffered a "breathing crisis" as a complication of the flu.

A Vatican spokesman said that the Pope will stay in the hospital for several more days but "there is no cause for alarm. The Pope suffers from Parkinson's disease, as well as, other maladies which may exacerbate his condition.
CANOE -- CNEWS - World: Pope's disease aggravated by infection
Tonight President George W. Bush will deliver his annual State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress. The speech will be seen live on the major networks, as well as, most cable news outlets. Personally, I will be watching it on FoxNews Channel.

White House insiders say the speech will concentrate on possible changes to the Social Security system and Iraq. It is certain that the President will note the successful elections in Iraq held last Sunday.

The speech will also touch on several domestic issues and will announce that the budget will be held to a 1% or less increase in spending. If the President is serious about spending limits, it will be necessary for him to veto spending bills that are full of "pork" projects for Congressional leaders and others.

Minority leaders in Congress have begun their criticism of the speech with a "pre-buttal" by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Both have said that any change in Social Security is dead on arrival. Latest News and Financial Information |
The Senate has set Thursday for debate on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General. The debate is supposed to be followed by a vote, but Democrats are threatening a filibuster to obstruct the nomination.

"Democrats should understand that filibustering America's first Hispanic nominee for Attorney General is neither good policy nor good politics," said Republican National Committee Communications Director Danny Diaz in a statement on Tuesday.

Like the debate on Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's confirmation, the debate on Thursday is like to contain partisan attacks on Gonzales and Bush Administration policy in Iraq. Senate Sets Thursday Debate on Gonzales Nomination -- 02/02/2005
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan announced the appointment of former President Bill Clinton to head UN efforts for tsunami relief. Nothing like one corrupt leader appointing another corrupt leader to head efforts for a corrupt organization.

Clinton was earlier appointed by President Bush to help US fundraising efforts for tsunami relief. The President also appointed his father, George HE Bush, to assist in the efforts.

As reported here and other places, Clinton is eyeing the Secretary General position at the UN when Annan retires in 2006. Clinton will need the approval of the Bush administration to achieve it. It is unlikely that the Bush Administration would want Clinton there, but stranger things have happened at the UN.

There is, however, a movement headed by former Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) to thwart Clinton's aspirations before they get momentum.

In a letter intended to raise funds for his senatorial library, Helms wrote to supporters, "I'm sure you might agree that putting a left-wing, undisciplined and ethically challenged former President of the United States into a position of such power would be a tragic mistake."

Kofi Annan 'Lands a Whale' With Bill Clinton Appointment -- 02/02/2005
Jesse Helms Warns of Bill Clinton's UN Ambitions -- 02/02/2005

More in the Afternoon Update.

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