Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gaffe Prone Joe, at it AGain

First the Obama campaign - oh wait a unconnected campaign PAC - tried to die the death of a steelworker's wife with the closing of a steel plant by Bain Capital.  The same steelworker the Obama campaign used in another ad wearing the same shirt.

The facts - under reported by the mainstream media - showed the tragic death happened six years after the plant closed and the woman had her own insurance unrelated to the plant.  A "gaffe" of epic proportion.  No apology coming from Obama, the campaign or the PAC.

Just one more example of saying or doing anything to deflect from the Obama record.

Now, vice president Joe Biden has gone one step farther and another step too far.

This morning the gaffe prone VP told a largely African American audience that a Romney presidency would put the "back into chains."

Yes, he said it.  The campaign cannot spin or deflect from the facts.  Joe, you said it and it is the most vile thing you could say.  A remark of that sort by someone who should know how inflammatory it would be is simply race baiting.  The VP used racial terms to deneigrate an opponent.

The only person who is really denigrated is Joe Biden.  The remark is unworthy of a vice president, unworthy of an American and yes, racist.

Joe Biden owes an apology to the Romeny campaign, to Mitt Romney, to his boss - Batack Obama, to all African Americans and to the American people.

Mr. vice president, you should be ashamed.

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