Saturday, June 30, 2012

Headlines - June 30, 2012

Until I typed in the date for this update, I did not realize it is the end of the fiscal year.  Another fiscal year that showed steady unemployment, continued spending by the Obama administration and little, if any, economic growth.

Many believe it is the beginning of a double deep recession.  I am not as optimistic, I do not believe the first recession, the one Obama calls the Great Recession, ever truly ended.  Yes, I know what the definition of a recession is, but the economic malaise across this country shows minimal growth in any sector accept foreclosures and unemployment.

So, here are some stories to ponder over the weekend.

Look so many other things, the White House may be ignoring the reason Obamacare was found constitutional.  The mandate is not constitutional under the Commerce clause.  The "penalty" according to the high court is a tax.  Repeat, the opinion makes it very clear, it is a tax.  Why would the bill call for the hiring of thousands of IRS agents if it is not tax.  Riddle me that, Batman.

For it's part the White House is beginning it's campaign that it is not a tax, it is a penalty.  This is so far out of touch, no one will buy it.

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The network run in part by Oprah continues to fail.  Discovery Communications has thrown millions of dollars iunto the operation with little return for its investment.  For her part, Oprah has risked little of her wealth to prop up the network bearing her name.

Now it order to boost ratings, Oprah is turning to the Kardashians to help.  Is this the last desperate attempt by a desperate CEO to save an unnecessary and not wanted network?  Let's hope so.

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President Obama went to Colorado to look at the damage from the wildfires that have been sweeping the state for weeks.

The impetus for the trip was not his concern for the state, but a rushed trip after reporters asked in a Wednesday briefing why the President had not contact the governor of Colorado for 15 days.

The press spanking was followed by a hurries phone call on Wednesday afternoon and the trip on Friday.

If you look at the footage from the trip much of it looked and sounded like a campaign stop in a state that is moving away from Obama and toward GOP candidate Romney.

Actually, the whole fiasco looked like a another episode in The White House is Out of Touch.

More from The Hill

Congress finallyu acted Friday on the massive transportation bill.  By the end of the day with members of Congress looking to escape the Washington heat - real and political.  The measure was passed by the House and Senate with the inclusion of maintaining student loan rates at current levels.

Occasionally, you have to applaud Congress for doing something.  This may be the last time you see this before the election.

There is, however, one problem.  One of the rules of the House is all portions of a bill must be germane to the overall focus of a bill.  Unless, Congress is creating and transportation system to deliver student loan checks, this portion of the bill should have been struck down because it was not really germane.

No one brought it up and it passed because members of Congress were more interested in their July recess and junkets than doing things properly.

More from The Hill

Some challengers to the Affordable Care Act did win on Thursday.  The leaders of 26 states can now afford the luxury of waiting before the election.

The high court reined in the power of the Obama Administration to withhold Medicaid funds from states that do not comply with certain aspects of Obamacare.  With no punitive measure, the states can decide how best to serve their citizens.  Many state officials have already announced they will not participate and simply wait.

Robert Slayton of the Illinois Association of Health Care Underwriters told Fox News that states would not be able to implement because the staffing levels required do not exist.  Slayton told Fox News, "It can't work the way it's on the books right now. Part of that is that there is so much haze within the act."

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That's it for me until Monday.  So, unless Obama or Holder resign, I'll see you then.

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