Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Final Thought

While the Obamacare decision and the Holder contempt resolution were the big news, two cable news outlets became part of the story.  By the way, one of the first thing a student used to learn in journalism school was the reporter/anchor should not be the story or part of the story.

Nevertheless, both Fox News and CNN became part of the story.  They demonstrated, like so many times before, that getting the story first is more important than getting the story right.  Both organization were so interested in being first, no one at the Court or in the studio waited before announcing that the mandate had been struck down. A few seconds later both embarrassed themselves after reading just a few sentences further to find that Chief Justice Roberts had indeed upheld the mandate. 

We all heard the reasoning and the spin and the pledge to get rid of a bad law and bad policy.

While CNN later issued an apolgy for jumping the gun, Fox News was silent.

The problem with Fox News again today was their continued insistence on using such poor reporters and anchors like Megyn Kelly. She proved during the early primary season that she had no idea what she was doing or could not analyze and trends on any issue.  Again she proved that a former lawyer with fading looks is no replacement for someone who can actually read and report the news.  Her comments are inane and she no longer has any business on the air.  As far as I am concerned she is done.  If she remains part of the election team in November, I will recommend no one watch Fox News. I will not watch their election coverage.  That would mean, I would not be watching US television on the night of one of the most important elections. Maybe the BBC will have good coverage.  All I really know is that as long as Megyn Kelly appears in any part of Fox's election coverage, I'm gone.

CNN apologizes

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