Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Briefing - 12.28.04

My recent holiday trip was, for the most part, relaxing. The only glitch was a Southwest flight from Omaha to Chicago. The originating flight was two and a half hours last to Omaha. This almost caused my family to miss the last shuttle from Midway to home in Indiana. After some anxious moments at Midway the shuttle, my family, and the luggage made it home.

Nevertheless, the CBS investigation into Rathergate has yet to see the light of day unless the snuck it out during the tidal wave coverage in Asia.

Speaking of air travel, it is amazing that air transportation is a viable business at all. Comair lost it computer system and canceled more than 1100 flights on Christmas Day. US Air lost thousands of pieces of luggage over the holiday weekend. Let's see I need to ad Southwest, Delta, Comair, and US Air to my do not fly list.

During a discussion of the computer problems, one air travel expert said that the airlines have become too dependent on computers and "can you imagine if all the computers at Wal-Mart went down across the country? Sam Walton would come out of the grave."

Could the computer "glitch" really be a terrorist attack?
My Way News

More later.

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